The Memphis Flyer

Providing Safe Spaces

At the school level, the goal is to work toward progression instead of regression. It starts with teachers and staff taking opportunities to stand up for LGBTQ youth and educate other students. Schools should provide resources for queer-identifying students — resources that they can relate to and find comfort in. As Iyer says, “If I had to say one more thing it would be a call-to-action for teachers, counselors, people who are working at the student level in schools to reach out to us and be the people in school who spread the resources.

Move to the Beat of the Banjo: Gangstagrass at Railgarten

“Why do we have genres?” asks Farrow. “People often like to define music by genre and categorization,” he continues. “We just come together, collaborate, and create music while trying out new things in the process,” adds Danjo. Though each member comes from a different background, for example, Philadelphian R-son who started rhyming in the first grade, and Danjo, who grew up in D.C. and always had a love for bluegrass or newgrass music (thanks to his Midwestern parents), Gangstagrass turns their idiosyncrasies into synchronicities.

Confessions of a First-Year Teacher During a Pandemic

Ask any experienced or veteran teacher for advice and one thing you will always hear is “never take work home with you.” But what nobody really says is that avoiding “taking work home with you” also means trying not to carry the weight of secondary trauma, PTSD, anxiety, insomnia, and constantly changing policies, all of which are proven to affect teachers at high rates. Sure, teachers can stay at school after hours to finish grading papers or complete lesson plans for the week, but part of being a teacher, especially during the Covid-19 pandemic, also means taking extra time and effort to show ourselves grace, focus on our mental health, and practice self-care.

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